A Comprehensive Guide To Record Boards for Wrestling
Do you need a record board for the next wrestling championship? Many school coaches find these panels incredibly informative and eye-catching both for wrestlers and visitors.
Wrestling boards are used to honor former and current champions, as well as help individuals stay on top of season records. These can be customized to fit the necessary size, colors, and layout, hence representing schools in the best possible light. Apart from being appealing, these panels are highly durable and supported with a lifetime guarantee.
The following comprehensive guide will introduce you to the styles, purpose, and benefits of wrestling record boards.
Wrestling record boards are available in multiple styles and a variety of sizes to fit the requirements of different wrestling coaches. For instance, the slide-in boards are designed to display the tradition of schools by celebrating the most prominent athletes from the past. These models use stripes that are replaced each time a coach needs to alter the results.
Furthermore, the add-a-name models are specially built to salute a multitude of wrestlers whose names can be easily added to the list. Make sure you click here to check out the variety of wrestling board styles and features. The add-a-name variants are undoubtedly the best solution for school programs oriented towards commemorating former wrestling champions, as well as recognizing the current wrestlers.
Laid-vinyl models are known for their longevity and cost-effectiveness. Instead of stripes, these panels use decals to update data by sticking them over the old scores. You can choose between aluminum and PVC variants, depending on whether you plan to use the board indoors or outdoors.
A myriad of colleges and universities use record boards when organizing sports events in order to display important information in the form of wrestlers’ names, season and career results, former champions, etc. These are an excellent way to organize information in order for coaches, competitors, and the audience to be updated at all times.
Moreover, visitors are informed about the score and progress continuously without asking anyone in their surroundings. Naturally, the record board has to be mounted on the right viewing distance from visitors in order for them to read the data effortlessly. Keep in mind that the more data is included, the less visible it is for spectators. Therefore, it’s important to choose a model of the right size that matches the viewing distance you require.
Benefits of using a wrestling record board
One of the crucial benefits of having such a panel designed for your school is customizing it in accordance with the school program. The graphics team of the manufacturer you choose will assist you in selecting the right colors, style, text, and logo.
These professionals will make sure the wrestling record panel is made from the right material, which matches the environment where you plan to mount it. For instance, a PVC model wouldn’t be suitable for outdoor use, as aluminum is known to be more resistant to various weather elements. Go to the following link, to learn more about the physical and chemical properties of aluminum.
Another benefit of these panels is the ability to update them instantly. There are numerous dry-erase wrestling record panels that are updated once the score is changed. Instead of waiting for weeks for data to be altered, new data is input almost momentarily.
Furthermore, most spectators find these panels incredibly appealing due to the variety and vividness of colors. It’s an excellent method of school team representation due to the presence of the logo and colors of the team.
Nowadays, the manufacturers of these record boards provide a lifetime guarantee of their products. In case you notice any color fading or material deterioration, the product will be replaced with a new one.
Moreover, most companies use sublimation in the course of building such panels, referring to a printing process that provides a glass-smooth surface. Consequently, you won’t have to purchase special cleaning products or waste plenty of time cleaning the surface.
Final thoughts
Investing in such a panel helps schools celebrate the accomplishments of former and present wrestlers.
Why not improve the décor of the school hallway while keeping people informed!