
People have different opinions about extreme sports. Some love the danger and adrenaline associated with these sports, while others think that the danger is a bit too much for their hearts to handle. And then, of course, there are the unsure people. They think they might like it, but they have no idea where to start. Which sport is best? How dangerous is it really?...

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Most of us know it takes a while to become a BJJ master. That prestigious black belt could take one at least 10 years to obtain. Prodigies can be exceptions to this rule, but there’s a reason they have that designation. Alas, mere mortals that we are, we’d need to spend countless hours on the mat for more than a decade to be proficient in...

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headache man with mask

Our body is like a machine, as it works like one and follows certain rules. If you make your body work under a certain routine every day, it will be bound to follow that routine all by yourself if you don’t take the initiative to alter it. From waking up to going to sleep, your body tends to follow a certain pattern that you made...

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Longboarding is very similar to skateboarding. Whether you do it on the road or on a skate park, it’s not necessarily a dangerous sport and hobby. But it’s only as safe as you make it out to be. This means that longboarding, like any extreme or high-impact activity, still comes with risks of injuries—albeit minimal—that could be mitigated by the appropriate safety gear. If you or...

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